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React Tracked uses native React state and context, and the debugging method is basically the same as pure React.

React DevTools

React officially provides its DevTools [1] [2].

Basically, you can use the tool just like a pure React app. One note with React Tracked is that a state object stays in the Provider component.

For example, if you create a container like this,

const useValue = () => useReducer(reducer, initialState);
export const { Provider, useTracked } = createContainer(useValue);

your state will be in Provider / Value / Reducer.

screenshot 1

useTrackedState (AffectedDebugValue)

The very specific usage of the DevTools is for useTrackedState. In the development mode, the tracked path list of a state can be investigated with AffectedDebugValue.

Find it under TrackedState / TrackedState / AffectedDebugValue / DebugValue.

screenshot 2


If you are using useSelector, you can use useDebugValue on your end. For example, the following is to show a selected value in the DevTools.

const selectPerson = state => state.person;
const Person = () => {
const person = useSelector(selectPerson);

Naive logging

If you prefer console.log style debugging, here's a recipe for that.

const reducer = ...;
const initialState = ...;

const useValue = () => {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, null, init);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('state', state);
}, [state]);
const dispatchWithLogging = useCallback((action) => {
console.log('action', action);
}, []);
return [state, dispatchWithLogging];

const {
// ...
} = createContainer(useValue);

const App = () => (